24-26 марта 2011
Дели, Индия
Проводимая каждый год, Convergence India является самым крупным в Азии событием в секторе ICT (Информационно-Коммуникационных технологий).
The Indian communications revolution has made significant inroads towards the vision of equitable and all-inclusive socio-economic development.
The ICT Industry in India has today become a growth engine for the economy, contributing substantially to increases in the GDP, urban employment and exports, to achieve the vision of a “young and resilient” India. While the effects of the economic crisis are expected to linger in the near future, the Indian ICT industry has displayed resilience and tenacity in countering the unpredictable conditions and reiterating the viability of India’s fundamental value proposition.
The next big challenge and opportunity for countries of the Indian sub-continent is rural connectivity… Convergence India aims to provide a platform for stakeholders to come together to Connect the Unconnected by making possible e-Governance, e-Health, e-Learning, e-Industry, e-Innovation, e-Education and e-Security.
Green ICT promises to be a major focus at 19th Convergence India 2011. With increasing recognition that man-made greenhouse gas emissions are a major contributing factor to global warming, enterprises, governments, and society at large now have an important new agenda: tackling environmental issues and adopting environmentally sound practices. Greening our IT products, applications, services, and practices is an economic and an environmental imperative, as well as our social responsibility. One of the main goals of the exhibition and conference is to create awareness about such practices to a growing number of IT vendors and users who are moving towards green IT, thereby assisting in building a green society and economy.
Held every year, Convergence India is recognized as South Asia’s largest event in the ICT sector. Future focused, Convergence India 2011 constitutes various elements which universally attract stakeholders from across the industry, at all levels of organizations and from all over the world, for a truly global ICT platform.
Convergence India... the only showcase in South Asia to propagate the convergence of delivery systems as the preferred platform for vendors, operators, service providers and IT companies.
Convergence India... provides the stimulus for the expansion, upgradation and modernization of networks to make broadband easily accessible in urban, semi urban and rural areas.
Convergence India International Conference... this year will have more than 100 speakers and will be an ideal platform to network with senior-level industry experts, peers, partners, and even your competitors.
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